
Date Topic (Tentative! Topics per week may change)   Handouts
Tu 04/02, W1  Introduction, motivation and examples. Simple linear regression.  Slides 1

Th 04/04

 Linear algebra. Least squares estimation.   
Tu 04/09, W2  Linear algebra. Least squares estimation.  Homework 1

Th 04/11

 Linear algebra. Estimability.   
Tu 04/16, W3  Estimability, Gauss-Markov theorem  Homework 2

Th 04/18

 Gauss-Markov theorem.   
Tu 04/23, W4  Generalized least squares estimation.    

Th 04/25

 Exam #1   
Tu 04/30, W5  Additional examples. Distribution theory  Homework 3

Th 05/02

 Distribution theory  
Tu 05/07, W6  Distribution theory  

Th 05/09

Hypothesis testing  Homework 4
Tu 05/14, W7 Hypothesis testing Regression examples in R

Th 05/16 

 Exam 2  

Tu 05/21, W8

 Confidence Intervals and Prediction

Confidence intervals and regions

Th 05/23

 Confidence Intervals and Predicion   Homework 5
Tu 05/28, W9  Model comparison and model building   

Th 05/30

 Residual analysis, transformations and unusual observations  Slides Residual Analysis Etc
Tu 06/04, W10  Residual analysis, transformations and unusual observations   

Th 06/06 

 Exam 3